A Place for Kids to Learn and Grow

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Food Tasting

To help enrich our study of Egypt, Mrs. Tworek, brought in some Arabic food for us to taste. The goat cheese was our favorite!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Beverly PTA

The Beverly PTA would like to inform you of a decision that we have made in regards to the school supply kit order form you recently received.
Due to the high cost of most of the kit orders, and the economic times we are in, we would like to offer another option.
We are asking that the teachers post their suggested supply list on their website so you can begin to make your purchases early, rather then wait until packet pick-up.
We want you to know that the supply order kits will still be available to purchase as well. This is not a fundraiser for the PTA, only a service to the parents. But at these prices we feel the need to step back from these kits.
Thank you for your understanding and sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

We would also like to invite you to our last PTA meeting Tuesday, May 12th at 7pm. Our speaker will be Sherry Davenport discussing the MEAP results and how to read them.

Thank you,
Beverly PTA

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Check out some pictures of us from A.C.E.S today!