A Place for Kids to Learn and Grow

Friday, September 19, 2008


DOL: This week we began our first Daily Oral Language. Your child will bring home this packet on Fridays. Please be aware that the DOL has not been checked. We do these activities together and I am expecting that the kids have the answers correct.

Reading: Today we finished up our week one activity packet. It focused on the beginning and ending sounds of m, s, t, and c. Please look for this in your child's SPORTS book.

Math: Today we practiced writing number stories using our dry erase boards together as a class. Then the kids made a number story of their own.

Social Studies: We are continuing to talk about rules and why they are important for our country and for our classroom. Each child made a page about why rules are important in our classroom for a class book.

Next week we will begin our first Science Unit on Pebbles, Sand and Silt. Look for information in your child's SPORTS book.

Have a great weekend!